6.4 129 minHD The Manchurian CandidateDrama, Mystery, Thriller, USA 30 Jul 2004Arthur Anderson, Betsy Friedman, Doug Coleman, Eva Z. Cabrera, Jonathan Demme, Maggie Murphy, Matthew SirianniTrailer Tonton
5.8 110 minHD The Bounty HunterAction, Comedy, Drama, USA 16 Mar 2010Andy Tennant, Doug Coleman, Mary A. Kelly, Richard PatrickTrailer Tonton
6.3 140 minHD The Karate KidAdventure, Drama, Family, China, USA 10 Jun 2010Doug Coleman, Harald Zwart, Nikki ClappTrailer Tonton
6.3 140 minHD The Karate Kid (2010)Adventure, Drama, Family, China, USA 10 Jun 2010Doug Coleman, Harald Zwart, Nikki ClappTrailer Tonton
5.7 110 minHD The Bounty Hunter (2010)Comedy, Drama, USA 16 Mar 2010Andy Tennant, Doug Coleman, Mary A. Kelly, Richard PatrickTrailer Tonton